POETRY And Prose, a selection


5 Poems including The Photograph Suggests a Hidden Life, - Academy of American Poets

Extreme Close-up - The Slowdown Show (hosted by Major Jackson)

What I Learned from Bewitched - Blackbird Journal

Ghazal for the Woman from Vitez - Broadsided Journal

Tonight I Travel Back to Allston Street - Image Journal

The World To Come  - New England Review

Women of Camelot Court - The Missouri Review

Electoral Supervisor - Prairie Schooner

7 Poems including a video interview - Plume Poetry

4 ‘O’ Clock News at the House of Sky - Diode Journal

Salt Crystals in Cape Town and Kerchiefs of Yellow - The Account

From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - Inklette Magazine

Song at the End of the Mind - Pangyrus Journal

Self Portrait with Stained Glass and Feathers - Pleiades Journal

Dear Wild Unknown - Solstice Journal of Diverse Voices

First Knowledge - Guesthouse: A Panoply of Modern Writing

Aperature - Valparaiso Poetry Review

The Women of Kismayo - Poetry International

The Decision and What If a House - Plume Poetry

Tricks a Girl Can Do - Cascadia Magazine

Blue Grapes - The Poet on the Poem

After Grace; After the Abortion, 2 poems - On the Seawall

Tired of Being a Woman - River Mouth Review

Ode to the Body - Rogue Agent

Extreme Close-up and other poems- Plume Poetry

The Year Where You No Longer Inhabit Yourself - Cortland Review

After Great Pain; What the Maps Won’t Tell You - Anthropocene

Salvage - Superstition Review

Seven Surreal Poems Portfolio - Sulphur Surrealist Jungle

Not Monet’s Giverney - Sweet Lit

No One Goes to Heaven Anymore - One Journal / Jacar Press

You’ve Always Had the Power - Construction

My Mother Returns from the Dead to Appear on Oprah - MER

The One Good Eye in the Room - Isele Magazine

Wordstock Literary Stage, Portland (5 poems) Oregon Poetic Voices

Post Abortion Questionnaire Powered by Survey Monkey - Qu Literary Journal

Daphne Swears Off It - Rattle

3 Poems - About Place Journal // Pandemic Blues Edition 2020

The K Word - The Shore Poetry

In the Fourth Week of the New Era - The Seattle Review of Books

Self Portrait with Abortion and Bee Sting - The Seattle Review of Books

Map of the London Underground Painted on a Miniature Cocktail Tray - The Seattle Review of Books

Try to Be Done Now With Words - Tinderbox Poetry Review

Your Self Portrait Pointed Me to You - The Ekphrastic Review

Entering the Picture: The Photography of Myrna Albert Wiggins - Oregon Quarterly

Song of the Small Boats - Connotation Press

Curating My Death / 5 Poems - Escape into Life

Missing Home - Poetry on the Buses

WeWish to Name It, That’s What Humans Do - Telephone

Two Poems - Quartet Journal (scroll to Rich)

Detection - Whale Road Review




Thank you to the following journals for publishing the above poems: Sugar House Review, Crannóg, Raven Chronicles Press, and The Wallace Stevens Journal.